T.I. And Tiny: The Family Hustle Episode 5 Searching For Oprah Winfrey
September 24th, 2012 | 9:30 pm
by Elizabeth Black (@lizburrito)This episode of T.I. And Tiny: The Family Hustle is all about T.I. and Tiny (and Shekinah) and their trip to Chicago a.k.a. where Oprah lives. But it starts off with the requisite cuteness from Major and the rest of the Harris kids that youd expect before the parents head out on their trip.
Major and the older boys are tidying up the playroom and when Messiah tells Major to throw away some Ramen noodles that are resting on a pillow (uncooked, thankfully), Major tells him Im tired. Cant you just go do it? It is adorably lazy. Messiah is trying to instill a work ethic into the young one though and tells him to pick the pillow up and dump the trash on top of it into the trash. Butarent you my buddy? Major asks him, and this kid is goooood with the cuteness blackmail.Major finally agrees to take the trash out, and when Domani and Messiah go to check on him, they find him resting before he even made it to the ! garbage can.
This concludes the cuteness portion of the evening.
The parents of the house, meanwhile, are discussing their upcoming travel plans to Detroit and Chicago. T.I., being on probation and all, must limit his travel to bite-sized chunks, so hes only able to hit a couple cities at a time here and there to do some album promotion, and on this upcoming trip to Chicago, hes been asked to be the Grand Marshall of the Bud Billiken Parade. Tip explains that President Obama was supposed to do it, but since his schedule filled up, Tip was the next logical choice.Hes excited for the opportunity, and less excited when Tiny tells him Im gonna need to bring Shekinah with me. Because in case you havent noticed, Tinys hair doesnt do itself.When he hears that news, Tip is considerably less excited.
Would Michelle bring Shekinah? he asks. Probably, because everyone knows Michelle runs that house.
Tiny goes to visit Shekinah and tell her the good news of their upcoming trip, which shes billed as a leisurely vacation to Chicago. But Shekinah knows whats up. Are you taking me to enjoy Chicago, or are you taking me to do your hair?Shekinah reluctantly agrees to go, but only because Oprahs in Chicago.
Tip flies the first leg of his trip, to Detroit, solo and does some fan Q and A, and the fans are nothing if not adoring.While he continues to do press in Chicago, Tiny and Shekinah have already made their way there too, but Shekinah refuses to do anything fun until she finds Oprah.
Shekinahs just crazy thinking shes just gonna go to Chicago and run into Oprah. Oh, how I wish these were famous last words and by the time this episode is over, Oprah has made her appearance. Just cause you in Chicago, baby, dont mean you gon find this lady, she tells Shekinah.
And so, they spend their day driving around Chicago, searching for Harpo Studios and asking strangers if they know where Oprah is.
Tiny finally gets Shekinah to go to the Willis Building (formerly the Sears Tower), the tallest building in the country and a legendary destination, and as Shekinah gazes across the cityscape from above she calls out Oprah, where are you??And then, like a prayer, she asks, Oprah can you please feel my vibes and just let me see you?
Finally they find one local whos willing to help them locate Oprah. Ill tell you where she lives, the kind stranger says. And she shows them.
After that, Shekinahs even more determined and she has her driver take her directly to her mecca.In she walks and asks the security guard Where Oprah at, girl? and strange enough, the security guard does NOT let her in to see Oprah. Oprah would probably sic the dogs on her, Tiny says, after seeing how cuckoo Shekinah is acting.
Shekinah continues to act irrationally and Tinys had enough, so she tells her she plans to wait in the car until Shekinah is done iPad-stalking the O, calling Shekinah psycho. (Seriously, if Oprah popped out right now, the timing would be impeccable, please Oprah, show yourself!)
When it comes time for Tip and the big parade, Tiny and Shekinah join him in his car and Shekinah tells him about their day.Oprahs not looking for you, thats for damn sure, Tip responds! .
A! long the parade route, T.I. is met by still more adoring fans. This one might be my favorite.Look at that lady on that pole, girl! Shekinah comments. Its hard not to, shes coming at them from all angles.
I know that Obama was supposed to be there, however, I think more people showed up cause they knew I was coming, the Grand Marshall says after all is said and done.
When all was said and done, Shekinah may not have found Oprah, but she did get to take a picture with Jesse Jackson.At least she met someone famous, Tiny says.
Tags: Tameka Tiny Cottle, Television