Oprah Winfrey lined up as Blue Ivy's godmother
Published: 7:50AM Friday January 27, 2012 Source: BANG Showbiz
Oprah Winfrey. - Source: BANG Showbiz
Oprah Winfrey is set to become Godmother to Blue Ivy Carter.
The tot's parents Beyonce Knowles and Jay-Z have reportedly been carefully considering who to entrust with taking charge of the spiritual guidance of their 19-day-old daughter and chose the media mogul along with the rapper's best friend Tyran Ty Ty Smith.
Sources close to the couple told website Media Take Out they wanted to make sure Blue Ivy's Godparents were not blood related.
Although Knowles' sister Solange wasn't chosen, she recently revealed she is ready to spoil Blue Ivy in order to get back atKnowles for letting her seven-year-old son Julez do whatever he wants.
"This may sound awful, but I'm excited to let the baby do whatever it wants in the same way my sister's done with my son.
"I'm going to get her back for all those late-night popcorn sessions and just spoiling my child to no end!
"My sister is a phenomenal aunt, so I'm ready to be the same in her life. I don't need any advice [on how to be a great aunt]. Because she has been a phenomenal aunt to my son, so she's set ! the tone as an aunt. I've set the tone as a mom, so we're learning from each other."
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