Aussie is Oprah's great declutterer
Master declutterer: Peter Walsh. Photo: Supplied
Curtis Stone. Jamie Durie. Peter Walsh. When you think of the Australians touched by the golden hand of Oprah Winfrey with the all-but-assured adoration from millions of American women that it can bring very few Australians would think to name Walsh at all, let alone realise he is as successful, if not more so, than the others.
The 55-year-old, who grew up 20 minutes from Melbourne, and moved to Los Angeles in 1994, was actually the first Australian "expert" to get a call from Oprah's producers who asked him to appear on a segment about decluttering household mess on her show. Not that he's worried about competing with Durie or Stone at all, in fact Walsh keeps such a low-profile in the Australian market, he was surprised (and somewhat chuffed) when Fairfax tracked him down to his office in California. This is despite the fact Walsh has penned New York Times bestsellers on decluttering, has his own show Enough Already! With Peter Walsh on Winfrey's OWN network and appeared opposite Winfrey on her talk show numerous times.
"I remember I'd been doing quite a few shows on the Oprah show and so on, and friends starting sending me copies of articles from Australia, the huge amount of press about Jamie [Durie] getting a position a contract with the Oprah show. My friends from Australia were like 'hang on, you've been doing this for years why is this such a big deal?" But I don't feel bad about that in any way. I think more power to any Aussie who can break it into the American market," Walsh says. "That's not how I measure success, it doesn't bother me that others get top billing, it doesn't bother me in the least. There's lots of room in the playground for us all to play."
Just how an Australian high school teacher-turned corporate trainer, tur! ned expatriate, turned television commentator, turned into Oprah's "master declutterer" with seven years of appearances now under his belt and a place on Winfrey's network is worthy of a Hollywood fairytale. There's most certainly a group of former high school students from Salesian College in Sunbury, Victoria, who would do a double take if they saw where their science teacher is now.
As Walsh recalls it, the first time he got a call from Harpo, Winfrey's production company, which snowballed into meeting Winfrey on set in Chicago, he was calm, but inside it was also a case of "holy shit, is this for real?" He had already fallen into television in the States unexpectedly, he admits - after working there as a corporate trainer and motivational speaker and had been appearing on a popular boutique show called Clean Sweep.
The step into Oprah's world was like moving to another planet, although Walsh insists Winfrey herself is "exactly the same in person as she appears on television - warm and approachable".
Of course, getting a phone call from Oprah's producers is one thing. Getting to sit opposite the most famous talk show host in history is another. Becoming a bona fide member of her team of experts including contractual obligations for magazines, television and even a regular slot on Oprah radio is in a whole other league.
Walsh, with his own brand of practical advice, is in that extraordinary position.
It has happened too for Durie, who has had an association with Winfrey since 2006 when he appeared as one of her "renovation experts". He too has gone on to become a contracted member of the Winfrey empire, with a huge profile in the States as a garden and landscape designer.
Stone has cooked his way into American kitchens since his first Oprah appearance four years ago and he has a range of other regular television and media commitments in the US.
Both Durie and Stone have charm and good looks on their side, which doesn't hurt their fervent! female f! anbases. Walsh, who has his own brand of warmth and directness, has more of a "wise friend" vibe he is the man who gets rid of mess.
Walsh has written three books, has his own iPad app, DVDs and a personal line of household products available in the States think clear jars for the pantry and the best ways to store shoes and clothing in your wardrobe. He cleaned up the entire office of O magazine for a feature story once and advises readers on everything from creating a personal "clutter pledge" (this is Oprah's heartland, remember) to losing weight and saving relationships by getting rid of mess. But it's not just housewives getting the Peter Walsh treatment, he regularly works with large corporations in the States to advise on workplace structure and office culture.
What he tells people, Walsh says, is "old-fashioned commonsense", but the issues go a lot deeper than simply helping people clean up. His is not so much lecturing people, he says, but telling them to tap back into who they really are. He wants society as a whole to put the brakes on the materialism which he says has teetered out of control.
"I think for a large number of people there has been this recalibrating of how they measure success," Walsh says. "That has been a great outcome of the financial crisis."
With his own soothing, at times mesmerising voice, and steadfast determination to get to the root causes of people's materialism and the clutter invading their lives Walsh has an a calming, almost zen-like presence which makes you look around your house (and at your possessions) with different eyes. His approach is near perfect for the army of Oprah converts, hoping to "live their best life".
Walsh is just one figurehead of an entire decluttering movement overseas (and which is growing in Australia too) which is centred on a return to a time when people lived simpler lives.
"Simplicity has traditionally been regarded with hippie connotations . . . [but] to get people to kind-of see that there are ! a range o! f 'lesses' that are actually good less stress, less arguments, less worries, less freaking out at the end of the month when your credit card statement comes, less family problems, less feeling out of control.
"If people start embracing less, kind-of embracing that concept, reframing the way they look at the acquisition of stuff and what's important in life, it can really transform the way people live and think about things."
Walsh's approach is one of honesty and directness, something he says Australians are better at than Americans. His approach is to "hold the mirror up" so people can get to the truth of how they're living.
"The stuff we own, I think, takes on a power of its own," says Walsh. "Because the 'stuff' begins to represent us and by definition becomes an extension of who we are. And so what we get into our heads is the idea that if we acquire more, we somehow become more. I don't buy into that mindset."
Like the other Australians who have been catapulted onto the world stage by engaging with Winfrey, Walsh is flattered by the attention from viewers people wanting to make changes in their everyday lives. But he feels he is on a much bigger mission to change the way people place value on themselves.
"For me it's very much about how society works in the West and what our attitude to stuff is. I've just been reading The Fatal Shore by Robert Hughes and it's fascinating that the concept of ownership was completely foreign to the indigenous people of Australia, for example.
"But for us in the West, ownership of stuff has become the modern day equivalent of rank, of social standing. You know, the more we have, the more affluence we attribute to ourselves or others attribute to us. It's interesting that the whole idea that 'more is better' is a very Western concept."
He says people need to get back to valuing themselves, as corny as that may sound. He sees lives transformed by these messages. "I'm not suggesting you shouldn't buy things, I'm not su! ggesting ! everyone packs up and moves to a monastery," Walsh says. "But if pursuit of more stuff, of and by itself, is what you're caught into, then you are on a treadmill that you can never get off."