Oprah Winfrey sells Chicago apartment for $3m loss

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New York, July 19 : Oprah Winfrey has sold her apartment in the ritzy Streeterville area of Chicago for 2.75 million dollars - nearly 3 million dollars less than the 5.6 million dollars that she had bought it for in 2006.

According to the Chicago Tribune, the 58-year-old ! talk sho w host never actually moved in to the home, and chose instead to live in a massive spread a few blocks away, the New York Daily News reported.

Winfrey had tried to unload the 4,600-square-foot apartment in 2008 and 2009, listing it for 6 million dollars, and had then tried a different tack by listing it as a 15,000 dollars-a-month rental this winter.

According to the reports, the apartment went into contract shortly after the price had been chopped in May.

The house has 10-foot-high ceilings, two fireplaces, a library, a solarium, a butler's pantry and a wine room - and his-and-her bathrooms in the master suite.

The Beaux Arts-style building had been constructed in 1913 and has views of Lake Michigan. (ANI)

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